Title 1 Paraprofessional Grades 6-8

Rolling Hills Public Charter School Southwest / Boise Paraprofessional / IA Middle Full Time Posted 1M ago

About this job

Must be highly qualified by: (1) Completed 2 years of college accumulating 32 hours of academic credit, with an Associate's degree, -or- (2) Pass a Praxis paraeducator assessment.

Job Duties:
-Work with classroom teachers to develop specific programs to help with the instruction of below grade level students.
-Interpret data including but not limited to standardized and other test results for diagnosis and instructional planning.
-Assist teachers in selecting, administering, and evaluating results of screening, diagnostic, and progress assessments.
-Instruct small group interventions, 1:1 interventions, and carry out instructional programs designed by the teacher.
-Assist teachers in identifying academic difficulties.
-Participate in meetings, training, and conferences when appropriate.
-Maintain necessary records to comply with measuring student progress.
-Perform such other duties as assigned.

This position is full-time, 35 hours per week with benefits. Daily work hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Pay: $15.45/Hour.

Send resume and qualifications to Tara Handy, Executive Director, thandy@rhpcs.org or call 208-939-5400.

Equal Opportunity Employer Statement

Rolling Hills Public Charter School is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.