English Teacher

American Falls School District Southeast / Pocatello English & Language Arts Secondary Full Time Posted 1Y ago

About this job

QUALIFICATIONS:1. Standard Certificate for the State of Idaho with Endorsement2. B.S. or B.A. Degree3. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptableREPORTS TO: PrincipalJOB GOAL:  To develop in each pupil skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are fundamental to good communication and literate citizenship; to develop appreciation of good literature of all types; to motivate pupils to read widely for information and recreation; to develop standards for critical judgment of written and oral communications transmitted by mass media; to discover and develop special talents of pupils in the field of English.PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Teaches content and skills in English language, literature, composition, reading, and journalism to secondary pupils, utilizing course of study adopted by the Board of Education and other appropriate learning activities.2. Instructs pupils in citizenship and basic subject matter specified in State law and administrative regulations and procedures of the School District.3. Adapts English material and methods to develop relevant sequential assignments that guide and challenge pupils.4. Selects and requisitions books and instructional aids appropriate to the interest and maturity level of pupils; maintains required inventory records.5. Adapts the curriculum to provide individual, small group, or remedial instruction to meet the needs of the individual pupil.6. Develops standards for critical analysis through group discussions based on a variety of mass media and classical and contemporary literature.7. Encourages pupils to think independently and to express original ideas.8. Evaluates each pupil’s progress in English skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)9. Establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior needed to provide an orderly, productive classroom environment.10. Identifies pupil needs, and cooperates with other professional staff members in assessing and helping pupils solve health, attitude, and learning problems.11. Communicates with parents and school counselors on pupil progress.12. Supervises pupils in out-of-classroom activities during the assigned working day.13. Works with pupils and other classroom teachers in such activities as preparing material for the school newspaper or yearbook, assisting with PTA program, or coordinating entries in essay contests.14. Administers or monitors group tests.15. Participates in curriculum and other developmental programs.16. Participates in faculty committees and the sponsorship of student activities.17. Maintains professional competence through in-service education activities provided by the District and/or in self-selected professional growth activities.18. Participates cooperatively with the appropriate administrator to develop the method by which he/she will be evaluated in conformance with District guidelines.

Education required

QUALIFICATIONS:1. Standard Certificate for the State of Idaho with Endorsement2. B.S. or B.A. Degree3. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable


Available Upon Request